How to reduce lag problem in pubg mobile lite
Pubg mobile lite is made for low end mobiles and it is still in developing stage. Pubg mobile is very popular but it's not supported to low end mobile, you need minimum 2gb of ram and decent Proccesor. Now pubg mobile is getting popular on low end mobile devices but it's not launched in many countries like india, soon it will get launched in India and other countries.
As I said pubg mobile lite is made for low end device that's why it might lag in some mobiles, because of low hardware specifications. Now I'm going to share some tricks or setting to reduce lag in pubg mobile lite and this settings has been tested and it is working. With this settings I fixed lag in pubg mobile lite.
Setings To Fix Lag Problem In Pubg Mobile Lite
Pubg mobile lite lag fix: There is some setting to reduce lag in pubg mobile lite and if you want to fix lag in pubg mobile lite, follow this steps to fix pubg mobile lite lag problem.
Before starting this steps, first you need to enable developers option on your mobile setting. For that you have to open your main settings and goto about phone, then tap on build number 7 times simultaneously and take back. After that you can able to see developers options.
STEP1: Go to developer's options and scroll down there you can see windows animation scales, transition just set the animations to 0.5.
STEP2.: Now in the next step you need to enable 'force gpu rendering'. With force gpu rendering it will boost your gaming performance.
STEP3: After gpu rendering there is one more setting called '4x MSSA'. Enable the 4x mssa and it will help you game to run without any lags.
1. Use Game booster tool or applications to reduce lag in pubg mobile lite. It will clear your cache and background running apps so, this will help to reduce lag but don't expect too much.
2. Go to devoloper option and there you will find background process limit, set it to 3 process.
3. Use Pinger app from pubg mobile and pubg lite to reduce ping or latency. Basically ping speed between your device and server, low ping means you have very good connection between you and game server. Pinger app will reduce pubg ping. Pinger tool is available on play store.
Conclusion: At the end I would like to tell you that this setting really works and I have tried this setting and it reduce the lag issues in pubg mobile lite. You can also try some setting to fix lag problem in pubg mobile lite.
STEP2.: Now in the next step you need to enable 'force gpu rendering'. With force gpu rendering it will boost your gaming performance.
STEP3: After gpu rendering there is one more setting called '4x MSSA'. Enable the 4x mssa and it will help you game to run without any lags.
There are some additional settings or tricks to fix lag issues in pubg mobile lite you can use those settings to fix lags in pubg lite. If your mobile lag while playing pubg mobile lite then use this additons setting to reduce lags.1. Use Game booster tool or applications to reduce lag in pubg mobile lite. It will clear your cache and background running apps so, this will help to reduce lag but don't expect too much.
2. Go to devoloper option and there you will find background process limit, set it to 3 process.
3. Use Pinger app from pubg mobile and pubg lite to reduce ping or latency. Basically ping speed between your device and server, low ping means you have very good connection between you and game server. Pinger app will reduce pubg ping. Pinger tool is available on play store.
Conclusion: At the end I would like to tell you that this setting really works and I have tried this setting and it reduce the lag issues in pubg mobile lite. You can also try some setting to fix lag problem in pubg mobile lite.
1gb ram lag fix and ping high