Pubg mobile updated 0.9.0 & night mode - night vision goggles added
As you guys know, tencent is constantly updating Pubg mobile and adding more new things in pubg mobile. Recently a few days ago they just launched new Pubg mobile update 0.7.0 in India & many other countries but do you know tencent officially launched another new update and the update version is 0.9.0 but it's only available for China, so if you live outside the China then your are not able to play 0.9.0 update. Tencent is a China based company so therefore the first update comes in China then other countries.
So guys now I'm going to talk about what's new in Pubg mobile 0.9.0 update and what's you will find in new in this 0.9.0 update.
- Pubg night mode added;
- New night vision goggles added;
- Minor bug fixed;
As you guys know everytime when tencent release an update they introduce a new features on the game. This time they are adding new night mode where you can battle in night and also you are getting a night vision goggles so you easily can see upon the enemies. The major feature in this update is only night mode and there are some minor bug fixed.